What are Be, Do, Have Goals?

I believe in goal setting and self-discovery. The best way to set goals is to ask yourself what you care about and what matters to you, You can use this insight to set goals that will allow you to find your voice, be authentic and stay true to yourself.

Goals can be classified into three categories; to be, to do and to have goals, where these classifications interlink across all areas of life. 

Be: Your be goals are about you, your character, your career, you as a parent, you as a person, your future ambitions, and how you inspire others. An example of a to be goal could be; to be more attentive to the needs of others. So here’s the question: What kind of person do you want to be? There’s no wrong answer to this question. It’s up to you to decide who you want to be. 

The more you know about who you want to be, the easier it will be to put into practice the behaviours and attitudes that will help you become that person.

Here are some questions to consider when thinking about who you want to be:

-What do you want to be known for?

-What do you want your legacy to be?

-What kind of life do you want to have?

-What do you want your epitaph to say?

Once you have a good idea of who you want to be, it’s time to start developing the habits to support you on your journey to becoming that person. There are a number of things you can do to begin to change the practices that will help you grow into who you would like to become. Jim Rohn said, “if you want to get more, you have to become more.” And Hal Elrod said, “Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by the person you become.”

Do: Do goals are about experiencing and achieving things in life. Like places you would like to visit and activities you’d like to do. Maybe live on a houseboat, circumnavigate the grand canyon, learn to play an instrument, learn yoga, run a marathon, help in a homeless shelter. I’m sure you can think of many to do things to add to your list. 

My own goals usually revolve around taking some action towards something I am passionate about, experiencing a sense of awe and wonder or feeling a sense of accomplishment. I like to feel like I’m making progress in the world and that my actions matter. 

Have: Have goals are about what you would like to own or have in your life. Own is the material things like a nice car, a home or two. Whereas, the other part of having goals is; health, friendships, freedom, and security. All of these are things that are within your control or influence, and they are things that you can choose to have or not have. It’s really up to you. 

When you have goals, you are looking not just at what you currently have but also at what you want. Goals give you a sense of priority and direction. A goal is something that you are working towards. It’s aspirational, something that you want, not something you have to settle for. 

When you have clear goals, you can start setting specific, achievable targets. Goals help us to focus our energy and to stay motivated. They give us a reason to get up in the morning. And most importantly, they help us to achieve our aims.

Inspired by, How to become more with be, do, have goals. – Lifestyle Anytime. https://lifestyleanytime.com.au/be-do-have-goals/

Goal Setting: The Importance Of Goal Setting

The importance of goal setting in life cannot be overstated. Achieving goals is an important part of our lives and it’s not just limited to those who are aspiring to become famous or rich.

Everyday, people set goals to achieve things that they want to do. They might want to learn a new language, get better grades at school, lose weight, get more friends, make money, improve their relationships, etc. These are all important goals that need to be achieved. The most important thing about goals is that you have to set them. You have to have a plan to achieve them. Otherwise, you will find yourself constantly working towards something that you are not sure if you will ever achieve. This can lead to frustration and even depression. So the first step is to write down your goals.

A good way to start is to write down a list of things that you would like to achieve in the next year. Make sure that you have realistic goals. Do not set yourself too high a goal if you are not yet experienced enough in the area that you want to achieve it in. For example, if you want to learn how to play the guitar, don’t set yourself the goal of being able to play it by the end of the year. Set yourself the goal of learning to play for 10 minutes per day and then work up from there. If you don’t have a guitar at home, buy one. It is a great investment. Once you have started playing, keep practicing everyday. Try to improve each time. Eventually, you will reach your goal.

If you are really serious about achieving your goals, then you should consider getting professional help. There are many books out there that will help you with goal setting and also with goal achievement. One such book is “The Power Of Focus” by Brian Tracy. This book has helped many people achieve success in their lives.

When setting goals, try to remember that they are not about what you want to achieve but rather what you want to become. For example, if you are looking to learn how to play the piano, you are not going to achieve this goal if you only focus on the piano. Instead, you should focus on becoming a great musician. You will achieve your goal when you become a great musician.